20 June 2010

Degree Show

The work produced in my last module was for the RNID (the Royal National Institute for Deaf people) based on the experience of being deaf. This featured in the Degree show at the University of Plymouth which runs until 24th June.

Branding of Plymouth unveiled

The project that myself, Iain and Mario have been working on with Lloyd Northover and the Plymouth City Development Company has finally reached its conclusion. A brand framework, or 'brand world' as some would call it, has been developed. 

The tagline 'Positively Plymouth' encourages the numerous aspects of Plymouth, and the hidden ones too, to be celebrated. With so much to offer, Plymouth is an interesting and intriguing place to visit. 
There is a grid that images and text fit into and work around. The dynamic nature of this framework gives a large amount of freedom yet provides a distinct identity and tie between all that is produced. Both books and posters, and whichever company uses it, it all works and fits together and the idea is that the imagery used is found imagery from the public (or at least for council led promotion)

In conclusion, the framework provides the flexibility for the council and companies within plymouth to work with and creates a true, unique and beautiful feel to the place. However for it to work effectively consideration and the keen eye of a designer will be needed to keep the brand consistent.

Talking about opportunities

I will soon be coming to a computer screen near you...

On friday I was filmed for the University talking about the benefits of work experience, my experiences at Adapt Graphics and Company of Designers, and about the Designers Society; how we were formed, what we do and how it can benefit students.

Along with videos of other creative students this will be sent out to 1st year students as they join the university in September.

For a student, and as a creative, it is making the most out of every opportunity that helps you to stand out and develop.

Jigsaw Project under way!

The Jigsaw project. A competition initiated through the Designers Society in partnership with the council to design a signature space within Plymouth. Although presented as a scrap of grass to the city in April, the space is finally being built on. More images and info will come in due course as the space develops...

13 June 2010

Student of the Year 2010

At the private view exhibition of the degree show (11/06/10) I was awarded the prestigious 'Student of the Year' award for 2010. 

This was based on 'all-round academic performance and studentship' throughout my three years at university both as a student rep and for my work with the Designers Society. My commitment throughout the three years has been to helping others on my course reach their full potential and this was finally realised through the Designers Society by providing a range of fantastic opportunities not only to my own course, but creatives throughout the university. 

Let us hope for more of the same!

(Regardless of what I have done, I could not have done it without the guidance and help from my tutors, in particular David Smart; Patrick Baglee at Navyblue for being a fountain of inspiration; my friends, in particular Mario Picariello, Iain Rex, Jess Walker, Joseph Wanyoike and Hannah McCaughan; finally the DS committee and members, both in their support and feedback. There are many others too but too many to name.)